Integration Geflüchteter in das Studium in Deutschland in Zeiten von Corona
Editor: Heike Kölln-Prisner - Abteilungsleitung bei der Hamburger Volkshochschule (bis 2019) Nationale Agentur für Europa
Heike Koelln-Prisner’s article analyzes the German landscape of higher education and describes how the situation of refugees who express the desire to engage in studies of higher education changed during the pandemic and how universities and other institutions reacted to those changes. The comparison to the pre-Corona situation (before 2020) allows Koelln-Prisner to calibrate and evaluate the modifications and challenges. Analyzing examples of excellence from German universities, the article attempts to demonstrate which offerings, according to the view of the author, qualify as sustainable and resilient. Due to the manifold activities that are available to the specific group of displaced students (only in 2020 more than 130 universities provided models of integration for refugee students), Koelln-Prisner’s study can only identify tendencies, which also allows for a projection of post-pandemic scenarios.