Explore our Gap Year and the Top 5 benefits it can offer you!


Taking a Gap Year is becoming common these days, and looking at the results, it’s easy to see why. According to a 2015 National Alumni Survey by Temple University, “those who participated in a gap year had, on average, shorter times to graduation and higher GPAs as compared to national standards.” Gappers also reported “higher levels of job satisfaction and civic participation.” Of those surveyed, 95% said that “being in a new and different environment” was extremely meaningful to them. You can make the most of your gap year at Franklin University Switzerland.

Become a more well-rounded, confident person

Gappers report that spending a year in another country was the best decision they ever made. You will learn to navigate another culture, pick up some of the language, and explore the other's customs, building confidence in your ability to tackle the unknown, and helping you build relationships with people with different experiences than your own. This goes a long way towards preparing you for further study and your future career. 


Explore safely!

Since Switzerland is a safe, stable country, it is a great way to experience another culture without putting yourself at undue risk. Plus, our central location and modern, reliable transportation system make weekend trips super easy! You will be checking off more of the places you’ve always wanted to go.

Try things for yourself

As a liberal arts university, FUS offers powerful academics in a wide range of subjects so you can explore more of the topics that interest you. Real-world experience is eye-opening. You're likely to discover that some of your expectations were correct and some were not. Great! Both will help you focus on the studies and careers that excite you. By feeding another side of yourself, you may discover a new passion, or pick up some clever, cross-discipline skills that set you apart from your peers later on.

Improve your resume

Want to stand out at job interviews? A great resume can get you in the door and give you positive talking points to impress your interviewer. When you take a gap year at FUS, you’ll participate in stimulating classroom projects based on real-world events. In addition, for two weeks each semester, you’ll travel to a new country with university professors. There, you’ll learn directly from experts in the field. So, go ahead and interview for that dream job after your FUS experience. You’ll speak with confidence when you have the knowledge and personal history to back up what’s on the page.

Make new connections


Franklin attracts students from all over the world. Each day, you’ll be interacting with your peers from over 50 different countries, whether in class, in the dorms, or at our many activities and events. You will form close relationships with interesting people that you may never have met anywhere else. This multicultural environment stimulates curiosity, builds character, and inspires new levels of confidence.

Plus, Franklin friends are for life. You’ll become a part of something greater than yourself even as you’re discovering more of who you truly are.

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