For course descriptions, click a course code below.
The University reserves the right to change course offerings and scheduling. 

Course Sec Course Title Faculty Day Time
AHT 102 1 Intro to Art Histories I Fassl M/TH 13:00 - 14:15
AHT 103 1 Intro to Art Histories II Gee T/F 13:00 - 14:15
AHT 213 1 Art and Ideas: Exploring Vision Fassl M/TH 11:30 - 12:45
AHT 218T 1 Harbor Cities: Architecture, Vision, Exp Gee W 13:00 - 15:45
BIO 102 1 Introduction to Biology: Cell and Animal Capelli M/TH 11:30 - 12:45
BIO 102L 1 Lab to Introduction to Biology II Capelli W 10:00 - 12:45
BIO 217T 1 Extreme ecosystems (Iceland) Della Croce W 13:00 - 15:45
BIO 310 1 Ecology Della Croce M/TH 13:00 - 14:15
BUS 108 1 Arts, Luxury, and Experiences Mion Dalle Carbonare Th 10:00 - 12:45
BUS 115 1 Financial Accounting Balushkina M/TH 11:30 - 12:45
BUS 135 2 International Business Schultz T 16:00 - 18:45
BUS 135 1 International Business Schultz T/F 13:00 - 14:15
BUS 136 1 Marketing in a Global Context To be Announced (TBA) T/F 11:30 - 12:45
BUS 211 1 Playing the Global Field: Sports Mgt Sinnaeve F 14:30 - 17:15
BUS 226 1 Managerial Finance Suleiman M/TH 13:00 - 14:15
BUS 237T 1 Operations and Supply Chain Management Balushkina M/TH 16:00 - 17:15
BUS 243T 1 Personal Finance (Germany) Suleiman W 13:00 - 15:45
BUS 256 1 Market Research Methods To be Announced (TBA) T/F 10:00 - 11:15
BUS 370 1 Crafting Clarity To be Announced (TBA) M 17:30 - 20:15
BUS 383 1 Digital Marketing To be Announced (TBA) T 14:30 - 17:15
BUS 405 1 Portfolio Analysis & Asset Management Suleiman M/TH 14:30 - 15:45
BUS 410W 1 Organizational Behavior Balushkina M/TH 13:00 - 14:15
CHEM 201 1 Organic Chemistry I Bullock T/F 14:30 - 15:45
CHEM 201L 1 Laboratory to Organic Chemistry I Bullock T 16:00 - 18:45
CLCS 100W 1 The Stories We Live By Roy M/TH 13:00 - 14:15
CLCS 105T 1 Paris Protagonist: Lost in Translation Ferrari WTH 13:00 - 15:45
CLCS 200W 1 Gender and Sexuality in a Global Context To be Announced (TBA) W 10:00 - 12:45
CLCS 220T 1 Inventing the Past: The Uses of Memory Wiedmer WTH 13:00 - 15:45
CLCS 225 1 Music and Popular Culture Saveau M/TH 14:30 - 15:45
CLCS 238T 1 The Postcolonial City: Berlin & Hamburg Roy W 13:00 - 15:45
CLCS 322W 1 Translation Theory Roy T 16:00 - 18:45
CLCS 371W 1 Law and Culture Wiedmer Th 10:00 - 12:45
CLCS 497 1 Capstone Research Wiedmer M/TH 17:30 - 18:45
COM 105 1 Intro to CMS in the Global Context Barile T 16:00 - 18:45
COM 201 1 Fund of Media Studies and Criticism Martinisi T/F 10:00 - 11:15
COM 230T 1 Comm, Fashion, and Formation of Taste Sugiyama M/TH 16:00 - 17:15
COM 243 1 Principles of Strategic Communication Martinisi T/F 13:00 - 14:15
COM 314 1 Digital Journalism in a Global Context Martinisi T/F 11:30 - 12:45
COM 350 1 Mediated Relationships Sugiyama M/TH 11:30 - 12:45
ECN 100 1 Principles of Macroeconomics Filic T/F 13:00 - 14:15
ECN 101 1 Principles of Microeconomics Dianova T/F 10:00 - 11:15
ECN 256 1 Managerial Economics Pavesi Th 10:00 - 12:45
ECN 303 1 Development Economics Scotti T 14:30 - 17:15
ECN 325 1 Money, Banking and Financial Markets Dianova T/F 08:30 - 09:45
ECN 365 1 Investment Analysis I Colombo W 16:00 - 18:45
ECN 387 1 Introduction to Econometrics Colombo W 10:00 - 12:45
ENV 200 1 Understanding Environmental Issues Bullock M/TH 14:30 - 15:45
ENV 210 1 Natural Disasters, Catastrophes . . . Della Croce T/F 10:00 - 11:15
ENV 240 1 Environment and Health Bernasconi T/F 11:30 - 12:45
FRE 100 1 Introductory French, Part I Röhrenbach T/F 11:30 - 12:45
FRE 100 2 Introductory French, Part I Röhrenbach T/F 13:00 - 14:15
FRE 200 1 Intermediate French, Part I Saveau M/TH 11:30 - 12:45
FRE 300 1 Advanced French, Part I Röhrenbach T/F 10:00 - 11:15
FRE 376 1 French Cinema: The New Wave Saveau M/TH 17:30 - 18:45
GER 100 1 Introductory German, Part I Heinkel Pennati T/F 11:30 - 12:45
GER 200 1 Intermediate German, Part I Heinkel Pennati T/F 13:00 - 14:15
GER 300 1 Advanced German, Part I Heinkel Pennati T/F 10:00 - 11:15
HIS 100 1 Western Civilization I Mottale T/F 11:30 - 12:45
HIS 104 1 Global History I Pyka M/TH 13:00 - 14:15
HIS 215T 1 Central Europe: An Urban History Pyka M/TH 16:00 - 17:15
HIS 241T 1 Modern Türkiye: Dreams of Modernity Mottale M/TH 16:00 - 17:15
HIS 351W 1 Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict in Europ Pyka T 16:00 - 18:45
HIS 451 1 Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict in Europ Pyka T 16:00 - 18:45
HON 499 1 Honors Senior Capstone Prep Workshop Pyka, Roy T 19:00 - 20:30
ITA 100 1 Introductory Italian, Part I Kugler Bertola M/TH 13:00 - 14:15
ITA 100 2 Introductory Italian, Part I Kugler Bertola M/TH 14:30 - 15:45
ITA 100 3 Introductory Italian, Part I Kugler Bertola M/TH 17:30 - 18:45
ITA 100 4 Introductory Italian, Part I Mottale T/F 10:00 - 11:15
ITA 200 1 Intermediate Italian, Part I Zanoli M/TH 13:00 - 14:15
ITA 200 2 Intermediate Italian, Part I Zanoli M/TH 14:30 - 15:45
ITA 300 1 Advanced Italian, Part I Ferrari M/TH 11:30 - 12:45
MAT 100 1 Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning Bernasconi T/F 08:30 - 09:45
MAT 100 2 Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning Bernasconi T/F 10:00 - 11:15
MAT 181 1 Math for Everybody To be Announced (TBA) T/F 08:30 - 09:45
MAT 181 2 Math for Everybody To be Announced (TBA) T/F 10:00 - 11:15
MAT 182 1 Statistics For Everybody Burke T/F 10:00 - 11:15
MAT 182 2 Statistics For Everybody Burke T/F 13:00 - 14:15
MAT 182 3 Statistics For Everybody Burke T/F 14:30 - 15:45
MAT 200 1 Calculus To be Announced (TBA) M/TH 13:00 - 14:15
MUS 214 1 The Sound of Movement - Ballet/Dance Trebici Marin T/F 14:30 - 15:45
PHL 100W 1 Introduction to Philosophy Dawson M/TH 10:00 - 11:15
POL 100 1 Introduction to Political Science Volpi M/TH 11:30 - 12:45
POL 101 1 Introduction to International Relations Schwak T/F 10:00 - 11:15
POL 112 1 Markets, Policy and Administration Strijbis M/TH 14:30 - 15:45
POL 176 1 International Environmental Politics Zanecchia WTH 10:00 - 12:45
POL 215 1 Inequality and Politics Volpi M/TH 10:00 - 11:15
POL 216T 1 Contemporary Global Challenges Bucher M/TH 16:00 - 17:15
POL 300 1 Comparative Politics Strijbis M/TH 11:30 - 12:45
POL 303 1 Key Concepts in Political Economy Schwak T/F 11:30 - 12:45
POL 321 1 International Organization Bucher M/TH 14:30 - 15:45
POL 322 1 International Legal Studies Barcilon Brenna T/F 08:30 - 09:45
POL 376 1 International Environmental Politics Zanecchia W 10:00 - 12:45
POL 497 1 Readings and Methods in POL and IR Volpi W 10:00 - 12:45
PSY 100 1 Introduction to Psychology Ongis M/TH 11:30 - 12:45
PSY 150 1 Psychology of Emotions Bova M 17:30 - 20:15
PSY 202 1 Developmental Psychology Toivonen T/F 13:00 - 14:15
PSY 207 1 Intro to Psychiatry and Forensic Psych Colombo W 16:00 - 18:45
PSY 208T 1 Psychology En Route Ongis M/TH 16:00 - 17:15
PSY 214 1 Positive Psychology and Health Toivonen M/TH 10:00 - 11:15
PSY 215 1 Research Methods in the Social Sciences Toivonen T 16:00 - 18:45
SJS 100 1 Sustainability and Social Justice Galli T 16:00 - 18:45
SJS 377T 1 Sustainable Education in Madagascar Galli W 13:00 - 15:45
SOC 100T 1 Introduction to Sociology (Paris) Schwak W 13:00 - 15:45
STA 111 1 Introduction to Drawing Zdanski WTH 10:00 - 12:45
STA 117 1 Introduction to Digital Video Production Gee W 16:00 - 18:45
STA 211 1 Intermediate Drawing Zdanski W 10:00 - 12:45
STA 217 1 Intermediate Digital Video Production Gee T 16:00 - 18:45
STA 275T 1 Studies in Ceramics (Italy) Zdanski W 13:00 - 15:45
STA 311 1 Advanced Drawing Zdanski W 10:00 - 12:45
STA 317 1 Advanced Digital Video Production Gee T 16:00 - 18:45
VCA 120T 1 Documentary Photography on Location Fassl M/TH 16:00 - 17:15
WTG 124 1 Discovering Academic Literacies Mac Kenzie M/TH 08:30 - 09:45
WTG 130 1 Academic Writing: Entering Conversation Mac Kenzie T/F 08:30 - 09:45
WTG 130 2 Academic Writing: Entering Conversation Dawson T/F 08:30 - 09:45
WTG 130 3 Academic Writing: Entering Conversation Yount T/F 08:30 - 09:45
WTG 150 1 Academic Writing: Crossing Borders Mac Kenzie M/TH 10:00 - 11:15
WTG 150 2 Academic Writing: Crossing Borders Dawson M/TH 11:30 - 12:45
WTG 150 3 Academic Writing: Crossing Borders Dawson T/F 10:00 - 11:15
WTG 150 4 Academic Writing: Crossing Borders Yount T/F 11:30 - 12:45