The following resources are accessible through OpenAthens using your FUS credentials, unless "on campus" only is indicated.
Discovery Search!
Use Worldcat Discovery to search our entire collection of books and articles.
Databases for Academic Articles
EBSCO - general resources as well as specific collections for Franklin's areas of study.
JSTOR - archive of scholarly journal articles and reviews.
HeinOnline - multidisciplinary periodicals, essential government documents, international resources, case law, and much more.
Project MUSE - full-text humanities source from Johns Hopkins.
Directory of Open Access Journals - includes business, economic, and social sciences subject matter.
Encyclopaedia Judaica - the standard work on Judaism, includes more than 21,000 signed entries on Jewish life, culture, history and religion.
Online Newspapers
Chronicle of Higher Education - News covering (US) colleges and universities. Real-time news and deep insights, plus the essential tools, career opportunities, and knowledge to succeed in a rapidly changing world.
Financial Times Online - You'll need to sign up using your institutional email
EBSCO eBooks – a collection of nearly 200,000 eBooks
Oxford Handbooks - on campus only - research starters in many different fields.
Project Gutenberg - an ambitious program to get all the important world literature online, more than 4,000 texts are included.
Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes - Spanish-language eBooks.
National Academies Press - free PDFs of many National Academies Press books.
Statista - a provider of data and graphs
UN data - a variety of statistical resources compiled by the United Nations (UN) statistical system and other international agencies.
Art and Images databases
ARTstor - an art image database.
Smarthistory - offers over 1500 videos and essays on art.
Pons - is an online dictionary, text translator and vocabulary trainer. From and to over 20 languages.