At Franklin there are many student activities and organizations available on campus. Each year, student organizations coordinate dozens of programs, projects and other initiatives, and they are a key part of student learning at Franklin. In fact, many of these activities have become Franklin traditions, forming a set of events to look forward to as a Franklin student.

These traditions represent an exciting chance to get to know fellow classmates, faculty and staff. They are also a great way to learn about the various cultures that form the Franklin community and the student activities which can help you maximize your university experience.If you don't see a club that relates to your interests, it's easy to start your own! Check in with the Office of Student Life to learn more.

Learn Lugano

Discover more about LearnLugano, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at enriching the living and studying experience in Lugano. This innovative project, proudly supported by the City of Lugano in collaboration with Franklin University Switzerland (FUS), Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI), and coordinated by the Lugano Living Lab, offers a dynamic and evolving platform for students. Whether you're seeking opportunities for study, tests, or collaborative projects, or look for more information about Lugano and Ticino, LearnLugano provides immediate access to a wealth of resources designed to enhance your academic journey.



Student organizations are an exciting opportunity for students to engage with the community, pursue passions and interests, and gain leadership skills that will serve them throughout their lives. Student organizations are exactly that: they are coordinated and led by students, and students fulfill the organizations' missions.

Franklin has something for everyone! Whether you like acting, gardening, or discussing current political issues, you can find your niche at Franklin. If you prefer planning student events, allocating funds to clubs and discussing student issues, we encourage you to take part in the Franklin Student Government Association (SGA) too!


Arab Club

We are the Arab Club, which aims to share Arab culture with the students at Franklin University Switzerland. We invite students to explore the many beauties of our traditions through events such as Arab Night.

Avant-Garde Drama Club

Avant-Garde Drama Club aims to give everyone a chance to enjoy theatre, see its beauty and express themselves in a safe space.

Book Club Crew

The mission of the Book Clew Crew is to connect students who enjoy reading and want to share this passion with others. We want to help people expand their social horizons while discovering new authors, books, and genres. Ultimately, we want to expand literary prowess while encouraging new connections.

Crochet Club

The mission of the Crochet Club is to bring new and experienced crocheters/knitters together to create a relaxing environment to develop creativity. Participants can work on both individual and group projects.

Dance Club

The mission of Dance Club is to bring the Franklin Community together through the rhythm of dance!

Diversity United

Our mission is to promote diversity throughout Franklin by appreciating the cultures of our students. We aim to spread cultural awareness and support our community by enriching our shared heritage. We strive to build an environment free of prejudice, hatred, or discrimination.

Entrepreneurship Club

The purpose of this club is to promote entrepreneurship throughout FUS. Club members will engage in projects that allow students at Franklin to discover their entrepreneurial passions and learn about how to approach starting a business. Club members will also run the Falcon Cart, a service that allows students to sell their personal items/goods.

Finance and FinTech Club

Our mission is to refine students' knowledge and understanding of modern Finance and FinTech topics.

FUS Film Club

The FUS Film Club aims to appreciate film as an artistic medium. Screenings and discussions of classic, influential, and otherwise brilliant movies will serve as the central focus, allowing students to enrich themselves within film culture.

FUS Zine Club

FUS Zine Club (FZC) is an artist collective run purely by college students. Our mission is to be an inclusive and supportive space for all creatives who wish to share their feelings, dreams, and/or identity. We strive to give a platform for silenced voices and encourage self-expression.

Franklin Garden Club

The Franklin Garden Club aspires to engage the Franklin community in the process of growing food with an emphasis on sustainability. We strive to create a collaborative community where members are able to contribute their time and creativity as much as they are able. We also hope to reinvigorate the composting program and strengthen our relationship with Dining Services.

Latin American Club

The Latin Club’s mission is to create a diverse and inclusive environment within our club while exposing people to Latin culture and traditions.

Liars Dice

Liars Dice has two prime purposes, first and foremost is to bring students together to hang out and have fun. Secondly, it's to be educational by having students use their wit in a number of ways. One way is reading people through body language and tone of voice to see if they are bluffing, or understanding your own to bluff successfully. Another is to sharpen or develop an understanding of probability, statistics, and game theory.

Oikos Lugano

Oikos Lugano is a student-led nonprofit focused on incorporating sustainable economics and management into academics.


PACE strives to provide a safe and inclusive space for Franklin's LGBTQIA+ students and allies to find a community and discuss issues relevant to our identities and lives on campus.

Political Discourse Society

The Political Discourse Society provides a forum for students to discuss current events and political topics. The club meets weekly and provides an open and judgment-free space for all.

Psychology Student Association

The mission of the Psychology Student Association is to increase awareness of mental health issues on campus and around the world. We want to build a platform for psychology and non-psychology majors to come and share ideas, questions, and concerns. We also want to provide opportunities and knowledge about research, scholarship, and job opportunities in the field of psychology.

Rethinking Economics and Finance Club

Rethinking Economics and Finance Club serves as a platform to gain knowledge of the contemporary economic issues in the world from critical and pluralistic perspectives. The club will hold regular lectures by guest speakers who will provide relevant information for those who want to expand their understanding of current economic issues and problems. In addition, the club will also offer a platform for students to meet informally and discuss various issues within the discipline of economics at both theoretical and policy levels.

Senior Class

The Club is primarily here to connect the senior class with the student body and OSL and to work with them to help find funding used to develop the university before we depart.

Sweet Iced Tea Club

The mission of the Sweet Iced Tea Club is to provide cultural events for students in order to create a better understanding of the Southern United States while having great food!

Vagina Monologues

Inspired by Eve Ensler's play, The Vagina Monologues, we want to establish a safe space for expression and identity through community and performance (whatever form that may take). We host events throughout the year including a swathe of feminist interactions like film screenings, health celebrations, and a performance of our own interpretation of the Monologues. We are here for awareness, education, and celebration!

WeeBoo Club

Club's mission is to create a community that appreciates the different forms of Asian media. The club believes in transcending language and cultural boundaries with various events that are not only fun but educational.

Student Government Association (SGA)

The Franklin University Switzerland Student Government Association (SGA), elected by the student body at large, assumes the duty of representing students’ needs and interests in all facets of University life, from academics to student engagement. The Association is composed of an assembly of elected student representatives and a five-person executive board. The Student Government Association itself, under the oversight of the President, Vice-President of Development, Vice-President of Programming and Clubs, the Treasurer, and the Secretary, is composed of the following five committees: Academics and Policy, Community Development and Initiatives, Programming and Clubs, Budget Inventory and Data, and Public Relations and History. The General Assembly holds open meetings weekly to manage assorted university social events, allocate student funds and to discuss the refinement of university policies in line with students’ interests. The SGA is responsible for providing students opportunities to develop and enhance their leadership abilities while promoting institutional improvement and innovation.

Our weekly meetings are on Wednesdays at 19:15 in the North Campus Conference Room.

Everyone is welcome!


Students Trips

Valle Verzasca Trip

The Valle Verzasca trip is one of the oldest and most recognized Franklin traditions. As a culmination to Orientation and the first steps of their time as Franklin students, new students and Orientation Mentors hike and picnic in the Swiss Alps, passing waterfalls and breathtaking views of nearby mountain villages. After the hike, students gather at the "Ponte dei Salti" bridge - which is also depicted in the Franklin crest. The bravest of the new students jump into the ice-cold water, which is sourced from glaciers high above.

Spring Ski Trip

Spring ski trip Skiing is one of Switzerland’s most popular recreational activities. Early in the spring semester, students board buses before the sun rises and hit the slopes at some of Switzerland’s most famous Alpine skiing areas. The ski trip is usually coordinated by the Office of Student Life with support from the Student Government Association.

Basel Christmas Markets

The Basel Christmas Market is one of the prettiest and largest in Switzerland. Each year, the Office of Student Life coordinates a visit to the city so students can stroll through the stands full of arts and crafts while enjoying mulled wine and other winter treats. Students still looking for gift ideas can seek inspiration in the wide selection and enchanting ambience! Culinary delights abound with waffles, mulled wine, delicious Swiss raclette, or the popular grilled sausages.

Franklin Signature Events


This popular event is a chance to taste dishes from around the world. The best thing is...nearly all of the dishes are prepared by students who want to share the cuisines of their home countries with the Franklin community. International Food Night is one of Franklin's greatest traditions!


The Holi Festival of Colors is a student favorite. The tradition was started by a Franklin student who was feeling nostalgic for the festival from back home, and worked with his friends and the Student Government Association to bring Holi to Franklin. Now this special event happens in April and is a great chance for students to come together, celebrate the festival, and enjoy a picnic before finals begin.