From March 29 to April 21, 2018, a selection of student artwork will be featured as part of an exhibition entitled “Inside-Outside” at the Museo Dinamico del Laterizio e delle Terrecotte in Marsciano (PG), Italy.

The installation is part of Professor Clarice Zdanski's “Studies in Ceramics: Northern and Central Italy”, an Academic Travel course that adopts a hands-on approach to learning about the methods and history of Italian ceramics, realized in collaboration with Professor Zdanski’s long-time collaborator, Maestro Luca Leandri, who has provided inspiration and careful guidance to FUS students on their travels to Umbria over the past ten years.

For “Inside-Outside”, each FUS student produced two bowls, to be decorated with subjects inspired by a text particularly meaningful to them – a film, a poem, their family history, a novel or short story, a myth or legend, a motto or an aphorism. These stories are told on the inside of one bowl (a container of emotive expression) and on the outside of the other (treating the surface to show emotion), using two traditional ways of approaching sculpture – adding on and subtracting – thus striking a balance between functionality and spirituality.

As noted by Professor Zdanski, “Each individual’s pair of bowls can be appreciated in its own right. Through art we discover the world and come to know each other better; through our relationships, we discover ourselves, each other and other parts of the world – inside and outside.”

If your travel plans are taking you to central Italy, you are all encouraged to stop by the Museum and check out FUS artwork! The opening hours on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.; 3:30 p.m.-6 p.m., and on Mondays 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m..