Writing and Learning Center Tutors

Tutors at the Writing and Learning Center provide one-on-one tutoring assistance to students in order to help them understand and meet academic expectations. Tutors work in a team to foster a space that encourages academic improvement. When not tutoring, tutors engage in a variety of special projects for the WLC, such as editing the student journal, creating handouts, leading workshops, answering emails, scheduling appointments, and completing other tasks as needed.

Language Tutor

Language Tutors work to provide supplementary language-learning assistance to incoming students enrolled in French, German, or Italian 100 classes. Working closely with one of the professors teaching these courses, a language tutor leads weekly sessions to review and practice concepts learned in class. This may involve watching movies, reviewing homework, going on excursions downtown for real-life practice, and answering student questions. A language mentor may also respond to questions from students or work with students one-on-one.

Academic Mentor (AM)

An Academic Mentor assists a professor in teaching a First Year Seminar (FYS). He/she offers support for incoming students to help them transition into college-level academic work. Duties include: helping the professor get ready for the semester, assisting students in choosing their courses, offering office hours to answer student questions, facilitating discussions between students and the professor, and clarifying assignments for incoming students. AMs must attend summer training and generally work during the fall semester. At the end of the semester, AMs must complete a final paper either reflecting on their work with the FYS class or exploring a specific facet of the course. AMs receive academic credit for the course.

International Student Mentor (ISM)

An International Student Mentor works closely with professors in the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Program and/or in the Academic Year at Franklin Program. Their primary task is to assist students in the completion of academic assignments and in learning academic skills necessary to succeed at a US-style university.  This work includes leading presentations, directing group work during study hall sessions, explaining assignments and academic expectations, strengthening student writing through peer review, advising students on course selection, and engaging in one-on-one tutoring sessions as needed. ISMs also advise students about adaptation to US-style academic culture in general.