Ph.D. in Business Administration and Management, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy,
Master Degree in Economics for Arts, Culture and Communication, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
Office: Kaletsch Campus, Office 1
Phone: +41 91 985 22 78
Email: gminiero@fus.edu
Giulia Miniero obtained a Ph.D in Business Administration and Management from Bocconi University in 2011. She is also fellow of the Marketing Department of SDA Bocconi School of Management, in Milan, Italy.
Prior to joining Franklin University Switzerland, Professor Miniero was a postdoctoral researcher at the Università della Svizzera Italiana (Lugano, Switzerland) and Brescia University. Professor Miniero is interested in investigating the basis of consumers’ decisions and information processing, specifically in the context of cultural and artistic consumption, communication and branding strategies and green marketing. Her articles have appeared, among the others, on European Journal of Marketing, Psychology and Marketing, the International Journal of Research in Marketing, the International Journal of Consumer Studies and The Journal of Consumer Marketing.
Since 2013, she has taught a variety of courses at Franklin, such as Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communication, Consumer Behavior and Digital Marketing. Prof. Miniero was awarded the FUS "Excellence in Professional Engagement" Faculty Award for the academic year 2023/24.
Miniero, G., Pizzetti, M., Baccelloni, A., Ricotta, F. (2021) “Design Thinking for Food Well being: an adolescent language perspective”, in Design Thinking for Food Well Being, Edited by Batat, W, Springer New York
Addis, M., Miniero, G., & Ricotta, F. (2020). Value co-production made easy: the role of fantastical thinking. European Journal of Marketing.
Bonera, Michelle, Anna Paola Codini, and Giulia Miniero. "The great Millennials’ trouble: leading or confused green generation? An Italian insight." Italian Journal of Marketing 2020.4 (2020): 289-308.
Miniero, G., Holst, C. (2020) “Corporate Communication and the Arts: The Mistake of not engaging”, in Managing the Cultural Business Avoiding Mistakes, Finding Success. Edited by Addis, M., Rurale, A, Routdlege,
Addis, M., Miniero, G., Ricotta, F. (2018) “Building brands through experiential events: when entertainment meets education”, African Journal of Business Management, vol 12 (20),pp 596-608
Addis, M., Miniero, G.,Soscia, I., (2018) “Facing contradictory Emotions in Event Marketing”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, vol 35 issue 2
Codini, A. P., Miniero, G., & Bonera, M. (2018). Why not promote promotion for green consumption? The controversial role of regulatory focus. European Business Review, 30(5), 554-570.
Miniero, G. (2017) “Nuove frontiere dell’esperienza di consumo: il ruolo della fantasia”, Egea ISBN: 978-88-238-4576-3
Miniero, G., Addis, M., Rurale, A. (2014) “Effects of arousal, dominance and their interaction on pleasure in cultural environment”, Psychology and Marketing, vol 31, issue 8, August
Miniero, G. Codini, A., Bonera, M., Bertoli, G., Corvi, E (2014). “Being green: from attitude to actual consumption”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, vol 8, issue 5, August
Miniero, G. Chizzoli, C., Pate, A. (2013) “The impact of product placement on brand equity” Finanza Marketing e Produzione, vol 1, Part 2
Miniero, G. (2012) “Fantastical Thinking, Transportation and Persuasion in Advertising”, Economia & Management, issue 3
Hornik, J., Miniero, G. (2010) “Are advertising appeal effective? Insights from a Meta- Analysis”, Finanza Marketing e Produzione, vol 4
Hornik, J., Miniero, G., (2009) “Synchrony Effect on Customers' Response and Behavior", International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol 26, issue 1
Jarach, D., Miniero, G., Zerbini, F., (2009) “When legacy carriers converge with low cost: the hybrid approach of Brussels Airlines”, Journal of Air Transportation Management vol 15, issue 6
Hornik, J., Miniero, G., (2007) “Synchrony Effect on Customers' Response and Behavior", Recanati Business School (Tel Aviv) Working Paper Series, n°3
Ashkenazi, T., Miniero, G., Hornik, J. (2006) ”Exploring the Intentional Gap Between Signing an Organ Donor Card and Actual Behavior : Comparing the Jewish State and Christian Italy”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, vol 18, issue 4