Adjunct Professor, German language
StR’. Staatsexamen in Germanistik (German language and literature),Universität Essen,
Staatsexamen in Kunst( modern art and history of art), Universität Essen Germany
Office: Lowerre Academic Center, North Campus, Office 5
Barbara Heinkel-Pennati is Professor of German Language and Comparative Literature. She is specialized in teaching German to students and future teachers. Her passion for languages and their connection to fine arts includes the research of the relationship between contemporary literature and artwork.
In recent years she taught German and Art in international institutes like the EUROPEAN SCHOOL in Varese, LIUC University in Castellanza, Italy, SUPSI and LILU, Lugano.
Her artworks were exhibited in various Art Galleries in Zürich, Sankt Moritz, Rohrschach (Switzerland), and Italy.