- Full name: Angelika Day
- Where you are from: Austin, Texas, USA - currently living in Paris, France
- What you majored in at Franklin: International Management with an emphasis in Marketing and a French minor
- Year of graduation at Franklin: 2011
- Your current job position and at what institution: VP Global Account Management at Randstad Enterprise Group
"My life would look very different if I had not attended Franklin University Switzerland. I was lucky enough to participate in Franklin’s open house my Senior year of high school, and I was immediately convinced that the environment, curriculum, staff, and students would allow me to pursue a rewarding and international career.
I wanted to see and experience new cultures, speak foreign languages, and meet people from all over the world. The Academic Travels ended up being some of my most memorable and cherished moments during my time at Franklin. Our professors were able to give meaning to our trips, and the people we met along the way allowed us to have a better understanding of their culture.
After Franklin, I moved to France to improve my fluency in the language, and since 2016 I have been in management positions at the global leader for Human Resource Solutions. Based out of Paris, I work with clients and colleagues around the globe on a daily basis. I also very recently received my French nationality!
The education that Franklin provides inside and outside of the classroom shapes the way its students navigate today’s world. I can honestly say that Franklin helped prepare me for an International career. I most definitely would not be where I am today without Franklin, and if I could, I would do it all again."