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Academic Travel represents the single most distinctive element of the Franklin curriculum, in which travel is used as an experiential learning tool completely integrated into a series of course offerings in disciplines applicable to all majors. 

Every semester, Franklin students embark on extended visits to study on location, as part of an Academic Travel course. Each class is taught by a faculty member in a field related to the academic expertise of the individual professor and the students travel to a location with which the professor has a particular academic interest or personal connection.

Academic Travel is an integral part of the curriculum at Franklin University Switzerland, and is designed to increase opportunities for experiential learning. All students, including semester and year-abroad students, are required to participate in Academic Travel, which is included in each semester's tuition. Academic Travel courses may carry three credits or one credit. Three-credit Academic Travel courses are regular semester courses that include a 10-day to two-week travel period, adding an important experiential learning piece to regular classroom activities. One-credit Academic Travel provides a less intensive version of Franklin’s signature program that focuses predominantly on the 10-day to two-week travel period.

The Bachelor of Arts graduation requirement for Academic Travel is normally fulfilled by successful participation in four three-credit Academic Travel classes. Undergraduate students must enroll in an Academic Travel class each semester until they complete the required number of travels.  Once students have completed their four required three-credit Academic Travel courses, they may continue to take advantage of Franklin’s signature program as an integrated part of their studies. Students will then have the option to participate in one- or three-credit Academic Travel courses, depending on what best suits their academic program needs and interests. Three-credit travel courses may count as general electives, Global Responsibility core requirements, and/or major electives. One-credit Academic Travel courses count as general electives. For transfer students coming in with 30 or more credits, a minimum of three consecutive three-credit Academic Travel classes is required.