Intrepidity is in the air! Now that midterms are almost over, students are getting ready to leave for the numerous and stimulating Fall 2021 Academic Travel Courses. Every semester, Franklin students embark on extended two-week visits to study on location around the globe, as part of an Academic Travel course.
This semester, Franklin will be visiting Germany, France, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland, Austria, Georgia, and even Iceland! After a year of restricted and limited travel, students will finally have the chance to experience the places they study based on each course’s specific topic area, ranging from Personal Finance to Freshwater Conservation, and accompanied by the course professor.
This signature program is the most distinctive feature of the Franklin curriculum, rhyming with powerful experiential learning beyond the boundaries of the classroom, where travel is used as a practical learning tool completely integrated into a series of disciplines applicable to all majors.
Professor Roberto Cordon will be accompanying his student to Georgia in the Academic Travel course named "Georgia: Social & Economic Transition". He states "In the early 20s, Georgia was annexed by the Soviet Union and was a Soviet republic until its breakup. Independence and the radical changes that began in 1991 have created tremendous challenges and opportunities. The focus of this academic travel is to understand the history of Georgia, and the changes taking place today. Likewise, we will learn about the transition from a statist to market-oriented economic systems, its socio-cultural implications, and the challenges of economic development in a previously closed society."
Professor Brack Hale is instead planning an excursion to colder regions, with his "Sustainable Science in Iceland" course offering an exciting itinerary: "Sustainability Science will be looking at Icelandic approaches to sustainability, with respect to biodiversity conservation, climate change, energy, food, tourism, and waste. For the first part of the travel, we will be based in Ísafjörður in the West Fjords, where we are hosted by the University Center of the Westfjords, our host since 2015. The second part of the trip will be based out of Reykjavík, and visit sites in the city and in southern Iceland."
"Personal Finance" is Assistant Professor in Finance David Suleiman's Academic Travel course taking place in Germany. Professor Suleiman commented "The Academic Travel component of the Personal Finance course will take the students to Frankfurt, Berlin, and Munich and will be composed of both academic and cultural activities. The highlight will be a visit to the Rothschild & Co offices in Frankfurt – read more details of the collaboration here – where students will be learning about the history and services offered by this prestigious financial institution. During our visit to Berlin, students will also be assigned a budgeting exercise during which they gain firsthand knowledge on consumer prices and living expenses in Germany."
"Artistic practice is a singularly meaningful way to acquire and convey knowledge. By tapping the energy bound up in your “inner artist”, a deep, personal bond with bodies of knowledge and art media comes from finding a way through previously uncharted territories and giving that journey tangible form through artistic creation. This fall we’re headed for Florence with the Academic Travel course "Adventures in Printmaking". In the past, we’ve been to Urbino, Italy, Lodz, Poland, and more." recollects Art History and Studio Art Professor Clarice Zdanski.
Last but not least, as always when embarking on a new adventure, safety is first! All students and faculty traveling this Fall will be tested for COVID-19 in the previous days before departure, and again when back on campus on the first week of November, to ensure both the safety and well-being of the community at large.