A recent slight increase in new cases of COVID-19 brings new requirements and recommendations for prevention.
In recent days, there has been a slight increase in new cases of COVID-19 in Ticino and in Switzerland. While the numbers are still relatively low, it is important to take steps to slow the spread of the disease further. The most recent cases have come from individuals who do not show symptoms, as people are infectious for several days before they develop symptoms, if at all.
Some new requirements and recommendations:
As of Monday 6 July, wearing a mask is required on all public transportation in Switzerland. With that in mind, please wear a mask on public transportation beginning immediately. As of Monday, failure to comply could result in a fine or being removed from the bus, boat, train, or funicular.
In line with the Swiss Cantonal Doctors Association, we recommend that everyone wear a mask in any indoor environment (e.g. stores, restaurants), as well as in any crowded outdoor environments where social distancing is not possible (e.g. at markets, lidos, parks). If you are inside the classroom, social distancing is required and masks recommended.
If you have not already done so, please download the SwissCovid app, available at the Apple and Google Play Stores. The app is an important tool to help track probable contacts with infected people you may not know. More information about the app is available at the Federal Office of Public Health.
The app uses Bluetooth to estimate if you have a significant contact with an individual who later tests positive, by keeping track which phones you have been around. The app does not track your location and does not transmit data. If the app determines you may have been near someone who has tested positive, you will receive a message that informs you of when the potential infection occurred and that you should quarantine—it will not tell you who the source was. If you test positive, you will receive a code from your doctor that you enter into the app to inform phones that you had significant contact with during your infectious period and they will get the notification to quarantine. Again, it does not track who you are or where you are. All of the data the app collects remains on your phone.
We also want to remind anyone on campus for the summer session who may feel like they are showing symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. fever, dry persistent cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste/smell) to please contact campus Health Services at: medicalservices@fus.edu or via phone: +41 91 986 53 11.
As always, wash your hands frequently, use hand sanitizer, and avoid touching your face.
This is not a time to worry, but simply to adopt appropriate behaviors in order to avoid future lockdowns. Everyone’s contribution is appreciated and helps to keep Franklin a safe and secure community. Visit the FOPH website for more information on the new measures and ordinances. For more information on the measures FUS is implementing, please visit the FUS Covid-19 Resources for Students.