The fall semester will soon begin! Franklin continues to offer first-class learning experiences to students during the 2020-21 academic year.
The Fall 2020 semester will begin on Monday, August 31 as scheduled. Details for return dates are here: Fall 2020 Schedule
What about classes? As promised, classes begin on Monday, August 31, both on campus and remotely for those of you who need more time to get here due to travel restrictions or for those of you in quarantine. Your professors are working hard to plan a smooth start for those both on campus and off. Please make an effort to communicate directly and in a timely manner with your professors at the start of the fall semester, especially if your arrival is delayed or if you are in quarantine. We will ask you to social distance in the classrooms, wear masks in all common areas, and to stay at home if you are not feeling well.
IMPORTANT: students returning from these countries will have to quarantine for ten days upon arrival. This list, provided by the federal government, may change before August. If it does, we will update you. Another notice is coming with suggestions for packing your bags in anticipation of COVID-19 and quarantine guidelines. Rest assured, we will help you organize this so you can stay put in your dorm room, eat well, and stay connected. For more info please visit the FOPH website.
Hybrid Model
The hybrid model means that students can learn in the classroom with their Franklin professors on site or connected remotely. As in spring 2020, students will be connected through Moodle, TEAMS, and Zoom, but this time we look forward to seeing some of the students and the faculty in the classroom. Worried about being away from campus? Rest assured that your professors will be available to talk with you during office hours scheduled to work with your time zone. Assignments for students on campus and off will be uploaded to our regular Moodle platform and available at all times.
Safety Precautions
To help ensure the safety of our community, we have implemented several safety precautions. This includes the frequent and rigorous cleaning of common areas and classrooms. We have numerous stations for disinfecting your hands. Please make good use of them. Likewise, you will see indications for keeping a distance of 1.5 meters from others. Please be sure to follow these directions when you return to campus.
Masks are required in the indoor common areas and where social distancing cannot be observed effectively outdoors. Masks are required in Switzerland on all public transportation. For purposes of sustainability, please bring at least one mask with you. Ideally, it will be reusable/washable.
The Swiss have provided some handy videos about wearing and caring for masks effectively here:
How to wear a face mask correctly
How to use a fabric face-covering correctly
Additional links for your reference:
New official measures and ordinances
FUS Covid-19 response for students
The Swiss COVID tracing app
What is Switzerland doing about COVID-19 tracing? Switzerland has developed a COVID-19 app that we ask you to download (for android or iPhone) and that is explained in this short video. Your participation will help keep our entire community safe.
Academic Travel – Fall 2020
All groups will be traveling as planned but within the Schengen area, and specifically within Switzerland or a neighboring country to ensure a quick return to campus if necessary. If the destination for your Academic Travel has changed, you have already heard from your professor. As indicated in the schedule above, Academic Travel will also be shortened slightly. Please know we are doing our very best to balance your safety, the safety of the faculty, and the integrity of the Academic Travel experience. As always, your professors are going above and beyond to make this experience meaningful and enriching.
Meal Plans
Remember to purchase your meal plans so that you can order on-campus food. If you are in quarantine, this will be necessary for you. Please note that Franklin can only provide quarantine meal support for on-campus students. A list of local resources available for take-away and delivery will be made available for all students.
Webinar – Monday, July 20 at 8 p.m., CEST
Students and their parents are invited to join us for an informative webinar. Dean Sara Steinert Borella, our Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs, will be joined by Dean Deborah Knaust of Student Life and Engagement. In addition, four wonderful student interns have been hard at work on various aspects of our fall plans, ranging from hybrid learning to dining services, from risk management to orientation. All six will be available to speak with you.
If you or your parents have specific questions that you would like answered, please submit your questions in advance to: https://tinyurl.com/fall2020webinar