An engaging Learned Conversation opportunity scheduled for Friday, March 19.
Professor Marcus Pyka – Associate Professor of History and Honors Program Director – to host a new Honors Program learning experience session, open to all Franklin community members, via zoom from the LAC Conference room in Lugano, at 5 p.m. on Friday, March 19.
“Enjoying Art by Problematic People? Artwork vs. Artist” explores the singular relationship between an artist and his artwork, posing questions like “Is an artist their art? Is there a line between the two? And if so, where? Can art be separated from the artist that created it?” The discussion will include cases of notable artists, Dr. Seuss J.K. Rowling, Woody Allen, and many others throughout the previous two centuries. The court of public opinion today has yet to find a clear-cut line between art and artist. Some believe that art exists separately from its creator, and that the work should be interpreted solely on its own terms. Others affirm that art and artist go hand-in-hand, and that artwork should be viewed as an inextricable product of its creator.
If this short introduction spikes your interest, be sure to tune in at 5 p.m. on Friday and email Professor Pyka at for the online event link.
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