The academic year has come to an end, and Commencement 2024 has concluded, leaving our campus quiet. But the memories and recent celebrations are still fresh in our minds. To celebrate the accomplishments and milestones of our 2024 graduates, we'd like to invite our alumni to revisit their journey through the highlight video of this year's commencement ceremony.

Here are eight unforgettable moments that defined every Frankliner's journey through university:

The First Day at FUS: 

Do you remember your very first day on campus? The mix of excitement and nervousness, and the warm welcomes during Orientation Week. It marked the start of a journey filled with learning and personal growth. It was the first step into a community that would soon feel like home, set against the beautiful landscapes of Lugano.

The First Fall Semester: 

As the leaves turned golden around our campus, the first semester unfolded with new subjects, intriguing discussions, and friendships that began to take root. This season was an initiation into a world of diverse perspectives fostered by our unique international environment.

A Cappuccino with a Professor: 

Remember that casual coffee with a professor that turned into a life-changing conversation? Perhaps it was under the spring sun at the Grotto, where advice was shared that helped shape your career path or broaden your intellectual horizons. These moments of mentorship are what make Franklin's community truly special.

The Trip That Changed Your Perspective:

Franklin's emphasis on global exposure took our alumni to places they’d only imagined. Whether it was a study trip to a bustling global city or a quiet, reflective journey to historical sites, each travel experience enriched your understanding of the world.

The Cultural Celebrations on Campus: 

Celebrating diversity through cultural festivals brought the world to our doorstep. These events were not only about fun but also about a profound appreciation and understanding of the varied tapestries each student brought to our community. 

Your Favorite Quiet Spot on Campus: 

Every student finds that one spot on campus where they can unwind, reflect, or be inspired - be it a peaceful bench under a tree or a cozy corner of the library. These personal havens offered solace and a break from bustling campus life.

The Last Exam: 

The last exam might have felt like the final sprint in a marathon. The culmination of late-night study sessions and the relief that followed are moments seared into everyone’s memory. This milestone was not just about academic achievement but about overcoming challenges and setting the stage for future endeavors.

Graduation and Commencement: 

The pomp, the circumstance, and the pride. Graduation day was not just the end of a university journey, but the beginning of a new chapter. Surrounded by peers, family, and faculty who had become your Franklin family, it was a day of celebration, reflection, and anticipation for what lies ahead. 

As you watch the highlight video of the 2024 Graduation and Commencement, let these memories flood back. They are not just past experiences but stepping stones to a future filled with promise. We are immensely proud of what our graduates have achieved and even more excited about what they will accomplish next. Remember, once a Frankliner, always a Frankliner. 

Enjoy the video, cherish these memories, and here's to new beginnings!