As the 2023-2024 academic year is coming to an end, Franklin University Switzerland once again celebrated academic excellence and community spirit with the annual Academic Awards Ceremony. This year's event, held on the morning of Thursday, May 16, marked a special occasion in the week leading up to Commencement. With exams completed, the atmosphere was electric with anticipation, not only among the graduating seniors but across the entire student body, friends, and families.
The ceremony was introduced by David Mills, Dean of Academic Affairs, whose words filled the Nielsen Auditorium with a palpable sense of excitement and recognition. Reflecting on his journey at Franklin since his first speech during this year’s Convocation, he revisited the four cornerstone principles he had outlined in his keynote address. These were: focus on who you are becoming, be an apprentice, take care of each other, and stay open.
The ceremony proceeded with the much-awaited announcement of the award winners. Each recipient was called to the stage and honored with a prize, presented by either their professors or staff members. The audience's applause and cheers created a warm and supportive environment, underscoring the tight-knit community that Franklin prides itself on.
Join us in celebrating the achievements of this year's awards recipients:
Communication and Media Studies: Sofia Yvonne Rojo-Kratochvil
Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies: Carlye Catherine Godwin
Environmental Studies: Sonya Ann Strauss
Environmental Science: Siri Kaitlyn Dye
Fashion Studies: Ana Cristina Centeno Diaz
Finance: Johannes Carl Maria Schäff
French: Isabelle Grace Kohler
History: Silvan Bieri
International Economics: Arsen Chobanyan
International Management: Manuel Luca Moor - Sofia Yvonne Rojo-Kratochvil
International Marketing Management: Samantha Lauren Elam
Political Science: Uday Saurabh Khattar - Grace Anne Closson
Psychology: Scarlett Lia Victoria - Isabelle Grace Kohler
Social Justice and Sustainability: Chloe Michelle Lendi
Visual and Communication Arts: Lolita Goncharova
SGA Student Engagement: Ghala Ahmed Ashoor
Outstanding First-Year: Pratik Poudel
Gerta Holman: Sofia Yvonne Rojo-Kratochvil - Haya Alourfi
Academic Excellence: Scarlett Lia Victoria
Presidential Leadership: Gabriel Anthony Bader
Alumni Council Student Art Competition: Lolita Goncharova
Outstanding Graduate Student Leadership: Caterina Scolari
The Academic Awards Ceremony at Franklin University Switzerland remains a cherished tradition, encapsulating the spirit of achievement and community that defines the university. It honors individual excellence and brings together the entire Franklin community in celebration of their collective accomplishments.
Congratulations to everyone who has made a remarkable impact in our community, and to all the graduates who have successfully completed their academic journey at Franklin!
We are now excitedly looking forward to the Commencement ceremony!
Photo Credit: Alex Hoffman