If you are a determined and committed student, Franklin offers the possibility of completing your bachelor’s degree in 3 years instead of the standard 4-year program. The 3-year accelerated bachelor program is designed for students who are dedicated learners, have followed an academically rigorous high school curriculum and have their mind set on a specific academic major at the time of their application for admission. Applying for a 3-year bachelor's degree enables students to shorten their time to degree completion by one year of university. This allows them to be ready for the market industry sooner, representing an early return on investment. Furthermore, the academic benefit is greater, hence a more focused and intense learning environment. Lastly, students can also take advantage of the cost savings resulting from this accelerated academic journey.
At Franklin, students can pursue this accelerated program by choosing between at least 13 different majors, including Psychology, International Management, and Environmental Sciences and Studies. It requires the completion of 120 US credits and is designed for students with specific high school academic credentials who are admitted to Franklin with advanced standing credit, equivalent to 30 US credits. To find out if students are eligible for this program they can consult the Advanced Standing Policy in Franklin’s Academic Catalogue.
Find out more about the 3-year accelerated bachelor’s degree at this link and contact the Office of Admissions for additional info.