Taking ideas from the lecture hall to the world’s stage is an important part of Franklin’s experiential education ethos. Last week, undergraduate students in the BUS 383: Digital Marketing course presented their final projects not in the classroom in traditional final exam format, but rather by competing for a coveted internship. A little background on the course: led by Professor Miniero, Associate Professor and Chair of the Academic Division of Business and Economics, Digital Marketing focuses on how Internet technology and its pervasiveness shapes the most common business and marketing practices today. This course outlines the impact of the digital revolution and how it has transformed decision-making processes in marketing including the development of relationships with clients, delivering the customer experience, the implementation of a communication campaign, and the evaluation of channel performances. Through discussion of cases and lectures, it provides students with the tools to interpret and forecast the ever-shifting digital environment for companies.
In an exciting conclusion to the semester’s learning, on November 29, the students travelled to the Jakala office in Milan, a digital marketing company with offices in international locations that offers a wide variety of services. Divided into groups, students analyzed the target communication strategy of a luxury company, and proposed a media plan to improve its awareness and conversion. The winning group: George Whittaker Curry, Samantha Elam, Thomas Lieber, Ana Centeno Diaz, Sybille Foucart, and Gaya Oganesyan, earned the opportunity to do an internship at Jakala. Students expressed enthusiasm for the interdisciplinary challenges and rewards that accompany such a unique opportunity to apply their theoretical education to real-life situations and arrive at visible outcomes. The merging of skills from multiple generations to problem solve, and to see their work played out in real time, was a huge advantage that students championed as one of the strengths of Franklin’s International Marketing Management major. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for them!