Volunteers getting ready to start work

FUS GO Volunteers Brave Rain and Snow on Biodiversity Project with WWF and Pro Frutetti

On Sunday, February 9th, the Green Office at Franklin University Switzerland, in partnership with WWF-Switzerland and Pro Frutetti, organized a rewarding day of eco-volunteering at Frutteto Nava in Capriasca. Despite the snowfall, 11 dedicated volunteers—ranging in age from 13 to retirement age—gathered to contribute to the preservation of an orchard of native fruit trees, helping to preserve biodiversity in Ticino. Among the volunteers were seven from Franklin, all eager to support this environmental initiative.

The day began early, when Franklin students met on campus to take the bus to the Tesserete sports arena parking lot, where they met with WWF representative Lisa Boscolo before making their way to the site. Upon arrival at the orchard, Mischa Heubi from Pro Frutetti introduced the volunteers to the native trees and explained the tasks at hand. The group worked diligently to clear overgrown brambles and hazelnut saplings, helping to maintain the equilibrium between forest and meadow and helping to ensure the health of the native fruit trees.

Equipped with work gloves, large clippers and saws, and warm clothing, the volunteers braved the cold and tackled the challenging conditions with enthusiasm. Their efforts not only contributed to the orchard’s ability to thrive but also fostered a strong sense of community and environmental stewardship.

Reflecting on the experience, Franklin student Sarah Falco shared, "It was an awesome experience," while fellow volunteer Emi added, "I had such an amazing time." Their sentiments encapsulate the spirit of the day—a shared commitment to environmental conservation despite the wintry weather.

The event was a testament to the dedication of volunteers and the power of collective action in making a tangible impact. The Green Office, WWF-Switzerland, and Pro Frutetti extend their gratitude to all who participated, proving that even on cold rainy and snowy days, sustainability remains a priority.