Thursday, May 18, 2023, marked the fourth year of the World's Universities with Real Impact (WURI) Ranking, announced at the third Hanseatic League of Universities (HLU) Conference held at Florida Gulf Coast University in the United States. Within this innovative ranking system, Franklin University Switzerland placed 26th in the top 100 most innovative universities compared to last year’s rank of 33rd. Franklin is also ranked as one of the Top 4 universities supporting ethical values and crisis management.
This year's rankings included such elite universities as Stanford, Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and Oxford. Franklin distinguished itself for its marked internationality and its innovative approach to hands-on education. The institution also fared well in several specialty rankings this year, including #3 in the top 50 for Ethical Value, #4 in the top 50 for Crisis Management, and #15 in the top 50 for Industrial Application.
The WURI ranking for innovative universities is unique in that it is designed to highlight universities' efforts in engaging with and improving the future, the environment, and society through fresh contributions and creative approaches. It acknowledges the challenges of creating new roles and responsibilities in leading and implementing change and impact toward economic prosperity and social harmony. The ranking also wants to promote cross-cultural learning and innovation among all universities.
During this year's conference, Franklin University Switzerland was named host of the 2024 Conference, and President Samuel Martín-Barbero was appointed as the third HLU President. The host university alternates each year across Asia, America, and Europe. It will be exciting to see how Franklin continues to implement and showcase its institutional innovation as the host of the next HLU conference in 2024. Way to go, FUS!