Ebonie Rayford, the Assistant Dean of Student Life and Career Strategy at Franklin University Switzerland, has played a vital role in creating a thriving environment for students to grow both academically and professionally. Throughout the semester, she organized and participated in various events aimed at enhancing students' career development skills and providing them with valuable networking opportunities. These initiatives, including international travel, mentorship programs, and career fairs, have empowered students to explore their career paths and connect with industry professionals. In this article, she discusses four significant events that took place this semester and the positive impact they had on the student community at Franklin.
Career Development for Global Citizens: Prague with Academic Travel to Prague
Ebonie took her Career Development for Global Citizens course on the road to Prague for Academic Travel this past spring. In Prague, students had the opportunity to interact closely with alumni through networking and coaching sessions and develop skills in international job search. The class was geared toward juniors and seniors who were serious about planning their future after university, possibly working internationally.
Guido Schlembach '09, who dedicated ten days to support the students during travel, played a significant role in the success of the travel component. He shared his knowledge through personal coaching sessions and informal workshops. The Prague Alumni Group, specifically Stepan Ťahan '10 and Martin Capoušek '07, provided much support before and during the travel. Ebonie was delighted to see how much Franklin alumni appreciate the university and what they are willing to do to support current students.
Student Leadership Bootcamp at the University of Malmo – Malmo Sweden – April 12 -16
Ebonie co-organized a student leadership boot camp at the University of Malmo in Malmo, Sweden, from April 12-16. She worked with representatives from EucA (European University College Association), Malmo University Residential Life, Colegio Mayor Francisco de Vitoria, and the Fondazione RUI.
The event was limited to 50 students, with nine students representing Franklin and an alumnus who was one of the keynote speakers in attendance. There were also two student presentations on community development and Life at Franklin. Ebonie gave a presentation on the STAR Method (Situation Task Action Result) and how to apply it to your CV and perfect your interview.
The event had the maximum number of student participation, with presentations mainly from the students sharing their leadership experiences from their home institutions. There were great discussions and camaraderie among the young student leaders, making it a purposeful event.
Mentor program with the Soroptimist Women’s Club (9 female students will have a mentor for the 2023 -2024 academic year)
The Professional Women of the Soroptimist Women's Club offered 12 spots to provide a career mentor program for female students at Franklin, which will begin in Fall 2023. It will be a six-month program to assist Franklin students with their career journey. The President of the Soroptimist Women's Club is thrilled to offer this opportunity. Nine of the 12 spots were filled, and these young women are excited to receive assistance with their future careers. The students were introduced to their mentors for the upcoming year in late April. It was a beautiful social event for all involved, and everyone from the mentor program is eager for the fall and the possibilities that can be created with such an excellent opportunity.
The application process included a 5-minute video of who they are and why they want a mentor and a resume.
International Career Fair – University of Turin – May 12 - 13
The International Career Fair was held at the University of Turin this year and offered students training activities such as career speed dating, company presentations, interviews, and career coaching sessions powered by leading companies as well as the EucA (European University of College Association Team. It was the most significant event yet, with a total of 200 participants.
Ebonie was also happy to do a presentation on Negotiation.
Four Franklin students attended, and one student was offered an opportunity with the company Lavazza. Fingers are crossed for that student's future.