Orientation isn't just a week to familiarize students with the campus layout or class schedules; it is, in every sense, an educational journey. It is during this week that the foundation for lasting memories is laid, memories that will be cherished throughout the students' time at Franklin.
We reached out to Letizia Stefani, Class of '22, for insights into Orientation Week—the inaugural step of the Franklin journey. We delved into her personal experiences, cherished memories, and the advice she would give to incoming first-year students.
Undoubtedly, the Orientation Week is a "must" for every new Franklin student. The week is packed with social, cultural, and educational experiences. It is not only an avenue for students to bond with their companions, but also an opportunity to connect with older students, who often play a central role as mentors. These mentors, having experienced the nuances of university life, become essential touchpoints for information, guidance, and advice, significantly reducing the anxieties and apprehensions that new students might have.
An essential aspect of this orientation process, according to Letizia, is the opportunity it presents to get acquainted with the professors and staff. As students progress through their academic journey, these faculty members become invaluable points of reference, assisting in academic and personal development.
Orientation Week at Franklin is meticulously structured, offering a perfect balance between academic sessions and cultural immersion. The academic sessions provide insights into the university's workings, ensuring that students are well-versed with the intricacies of their new academic environment. Complementing this are the cultural activities that emphasize Franklin's core principle of holistic growth. Activities that introduce students to Ticino's culture and language serve to underline this cultural integration. And who could forget the breathtaking trip to Valle Verzasca, a favorite among many and a tradition that culminates in the annual photo?
The week might seem overwhelming, but all the information sheets and schedules that students come away with play a pivotal role in easing them into the university life. These materials help dispel any initial discomfort or fear, making the vast campus feel intimately familiar.
The success of the orientation program is evident from the enthusiasm with which older students volunteer to become tutors. In doing so, they embody Franklin's core values of community, support, and mentorship. As Letizia reminisces, "Orientation was an incredible experience. My floor mates at the Da Vinci residence hall became my immediate support system. The tutors were a backbone during my initial months, with some even organizing events throughout the year to ensure continued integration."
Orientation Week isn’t just about adapting to a new environment; it is about imbibing Franklin's core values. It showcases the university's commitment to ensuring that no student is left out. Everyone, whether shy or sociable, is given the tools and opportunities to integrate and grow.
To all the future students of Franklin, cherish your Orientation. It's more than a week; it's the beginning of an unforgettable journey. And it's a journey you'll fondly remember forever as an Alumn/a.