Take a moment to identify what you are passionate about. Now, what skills do you possess? How can those skills combine to bring your passions to the next level? These are the questions Robert (Bob) Knorr asked at the final ‘Meet the Manager’ event of the semester. Knorr has worked internationally as an Intrapreneur, Entrepreneur, Mentor, and Educator throughout his career. Yet, first passions led him to aspire to be an elite runner after university. Although during his track career, he never beat records or appeared on the front page of sports illustrated as he hoped, he took his passions and skills and became something even more. This "creating opportunities mindset” was one topic Knorr excitedly shared with Franklin’s students.
By investigating his career's ups, downs, and risky moments, he sparked lively conversations with the students and incited reflections within them as to how they could face risks when pursuing their ideas. He imparted many of the lessons he learned during his career on how to move forward in uncertainty. He shared how many of his greatest successes came from being pushed to challenge himself by others or the environment around him. One example of this was learning about his experience with “Timeless Tartans”, a nuanced school merchandise company. He co-founded this project alongside a past student of his who sparked a competition with him to put his lectures into practice. By embracing his drive to educate and create, he and his student inadvertently made one of his own dreams come true along the way by befriending the talented runner he used to admire on the cover of Sports Illustrated Magazine. This once idolized friend is now a supporter of Knorr's passions.
Knorr’s life story taught Franklin’s students that anyone can have the power to achieve their dreams if they are willing to look for opportunity, “roll with the punches” and grow alongside their dreams. By understanding how to take calculated risks, surround himself with a skilled team, and be aware of the skills that inspire his passions, Bob Knorr sets a strong example for any student to look up to.
Written by Samantha Elam