Franklin University Switzerland welcomes diversity at the core of our community and educational mission. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are university-wide responsibilities pertaining to students, faculty, staff, administration, alumni, and all those who have a vested interest in our community. The Committee for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), composed of students, faculty and staff, meets regularly with the goal to ensure that all members of the Franklin community are represented and can be heard. Embracing diversity includes a high level of tolerance and respect, without judgement, for a different traditions and cultures, which include not only race and gender, but age, citizenship, class, economic status, ethnicity, mental ability, physical appearance, political affiliation, religion, sex identity, social status, and other ideologies/identifications. 

With a focus on understanding the prevalence and nuances of prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination at every level, we aim to raise awareness of cognitive and unconscious biases and supporting all who work, study or visit. The committee is currently working on: 

  • Establishing our presence across campus by organizing DEI training and speakers 
  • Investigating policies and protocols that currently exist at the university  
  • Collaborating with the Student Government Association (SGA) to organize town hall events for the entire community to discuss campus-wide comments, questions, and concerns  

You can email us at or drop us a note in our physical mailbox on Kaletsch (mailbox 55) or reach out to any of the committee members personally.  


The Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion current members: 

Vitoria Gomes Araujo 
Tatiana Balushkina 
Sean Essue 
Kate Roy 
Jelena Bakic 
Grace Bacon