Carly Jean Seedall ’18 has been hired as Copy Editor at Copernicus Publications in Göttingen, Germany, where she is working as language editor for open-access academic manuscripts submitted by scientists from around the world who work in the natural sciences.

As an International Relations major at Franklin, Carly significantly deepened her foreign language competencies in German, “a language I had started learning while on exchange in high school in Portland, Oregon. At Franklin, through German lectures on diverse topics in literature, culture, and history, I was able to gain confidence in my ability to write and speak in a foreign language.”

Through Franklin’s Global Internship Program, she also got a chance to complete an internship with Caritas Deutschland for a summer in Paderborn, thus providing her with both an academic and international perspective.

Though she did not study science at Franklin, “Academic travels to India and Bhutan as well as South Africa and Swaziland, familiarized me with the significance of climate change and pollution on an international level, topics covered in many journals published by the organization.”

Like many Franklin Alumni, Carly’s studying and living in an international environment prepared her for success in another country, at a multicultural workplace. Immediately after graduating from Franklin, she traveled to Tajikistan to work as a resident director for U.S.-funded language immersion scholarship program. She also mentored and led a group of U.S. high school students seeking to learn the Persian language.

Carly exemplifies how the Franklin experience develops alumni who are worldly, aware, successful, and live around the world.